WIC (Women, Infants & Children) is a supplemental food program. It is a health and nutritional program for individuals who have special needs. Income guidelines and medical/nutritional risk factors must be met for each re-certification appointment. More information is available at http://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/index.php. Click on "Families" for details. Standards for participation in the program are the same for everyone regardless of race, color, national, origin, sex, age or disability.
WIC Clinics
- The clinics are held on-site Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Nutritional classes are held weekly.
- The "high risk" clients are seen monthly.
- Each schedule is subject to change.
- You must have an appointment.
- You must have all necessary identification and paperwork.
Satellite Clinics:
- The first Wednesday of the month is at Bernie.
- The second Friday of the month is at Advance and Bell City.
- The third Friday of the month is at Puxico
- Weekly Thursday clinic in Dexter
- https://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/frauddatalinks/nondiscrimination/ (highlight link then then right click to open)